Women: International Women’s day – Britain
Eighty percent of low paid workers in Britain are women. They are the cleaners, cooks and hairdressers forced to work in poor conditions with no legal minimum wage. In the public sector, low pay is […]
Eighty percent of low paid workers in Britain are women. They are the cleaners, cooks and hairdressers forced to work in poor conditions with no legal minimum wage. In the public sector, low pay is […]
The committee for a workers’ international commemorates International Women’s Day 1999 – Monday 8th of March – by calling on all socialists and class fighters to help restore the true significance of this day in […]
International Women’s Day. cwi Kurdistan campaign. Special financial appeal to all readers of socialistworld.net Support building alternative socialist media Socialistworld.net provides a unique analysis and perspective of world events. Socialistworld.net also plays a crucial role […]
The recent Nigerian Presidential election was widely reported in the world’s media as an important step towards the restoration of "democracy" in that country, Africa’s largest with a population of around 120 million. The holding, […]
Öcalan’a ve Bütün Siyasi Mültecilere Siginma Hakki! Kürdistan’a Kendi Kaderini Tayin Hakki! Yasasin Isçilerin Birligi ve Sosyalizm! Kürdistan Isçi Partisi PKK’nin lideri Abdullah Öcalan’in Türk gizli servisi tarafindan kaçirilmasi Kürtlerin öfke dolu kitlesel protestolarina yol […]
The abduction of the Kurdish Workers’ Party (PKK) leader Abdullah Ocalan by Turkish secret services has sparked furious mass protests by Kurds and more than ever internationalised the Kurdish question. The CWI stands with the […]
This statement of the Committee for a Workers’ International (CWI) mainly deals with those parts of Kurdistan which are currently located in Turkey. It does not go into the situation in Turkey or other parts […]
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