Iraq: 15 February – Israel – Three thousand Israeli Jews and Arabs demonstrate in Tel Aviv

Despite the government propaganda, around three thousand people demonstrated against the US plans to invade Iraq, in Tel Aviv on February 15.

15 February. No to war in Iraq. cwi reports from around the world. Israel.

Three thousand Israeli Jews and Arabs demonstrate in Tel Aviv

Most significantly this demonstration included both Israeli Jews and Arabs. Some of the Israeli Arabs addressing the demonstration spoke in Arabic, something which is not often heard on demosntrations in Israel. As well as Israeli peace activists, there were a whole number of young people who were demonstrating for the first time.

The attendance at the demonstration reflects a growing opposition to the US war against Iraq even amongst Israeli Jews. An opinion poll in the Ha’aretz daily paper this week reported that 20% of Israeli Jews opposed the war, while another 25% though that war should not be launched before all diplomatic options have been exhausted.

Members of Ma’avak Sozialisti (CWI Israel) participated in the demosntration. 150 copies of the latest issue of our newspaper (Ha Ma’avak – The Struggle) were sold.

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February 2003