Iraq: 15 February – Kashmir – Anti-Bush protests held in Occupied Kashmir

The international day of protest against war on Iraq was observed in Indian Occupied and Pakistani Occupied Kashmir. According to media reports over 2,000 people demonstrated against the war in Srinagar (capital of Indian Occupied Kashmir), including various organisations including trade unions, Left political parties and non-governmental organisations.

15 February. No to war in Iraq. cwi reports from around the world. Kashmir.

Anti-Bush protests held in Occupied Kashmir

In Pakistani Occupied Kashmir, members of the National Awami Party (NAP) and National Student Federation organised protest meetings. CWI members and sympathisers distributed leaflets with the headline "No war for oil – down with US imperialism" amongst school students and public sector workers in different places, including Mirpur, Kotli and Hajeera sub-division.

CWI members carried anti-war banners with the slogan "No war for Oil… Solidarity with Iraqi youth, workers and Peasants " and hung them across the main road junctions in Kotli.

Protest meetings passed resolutions against the war and took decisions to organise demonstrations in the next couple of weeks. A national call will be given by the NAP leadership in few days time setting a date for a protest against the war (Eid celebrations and holidays have meant that it was only possible to hold protest meetings on 15 February).

There is an increasing anti-war mood amongst the population in general. We are gearing up for an anti-war campaign, in the schools and in the colleges in the coming days.

Our leaflets saying ’No War For Oil’ were well received and included an analysis of war and the humanitarian cost. The CWI in Kashmir is campaigning for the following demands:

  • No War For Oil!
  • Fight Capitalism and Imperialism!
  • Organise Mass Protests and Strikes against war!
  • Fight for A Socialist World!

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February 2003