Germany: Cross sector strike action planned in Kassel (Hessen)

On 9 December, strike action against the bosses’ federation attacks on wages and conditions and national bargaining will take place in Kassel and the Northhessen region. The strikes will also be directed against the social cuts imposed by the hated Christian Democrat led regional state government.

Members of SAV, the German affiliate of the CWI, have ever since the 1 November demonstration argued for the need of further action to be taken by the unions. After the 100,000 strong demonstration on 1 November in Berlin and the 50,000 strong demonstration on 18 November in Hessen, we have strongly campaigned for strike action as the only means to effectively fight and bring down the government’s and bosses’ attacks.

In other words, we tried to explain that demonstrations alone are not enough to stop these attacks.

The Kassel regional TUC has now called for strike action on 9 December. Volkswagen Workers, Refuse workers and Public Transport workers will be out on strike on that day. SAV members are now engaged in getting more workplaces out on that day in order to turn the still limited strike into a regional general strike. Street blockades are planned and public transport workers will use their buses and trams to pick up workers from different workplaces and bring them to the demonstration.

After a successful 1500 strong school student and apprentices strike which was initiated by SAV members and Youth against Cuts in October, SAV members and others are now campaigning to get school students, apprentices and University students out on strike again on 9 December.

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December 2003