Socialist Action organized demonstration to protest mass arrests in New York and other US cities
Several dozen Hong Kong youth protested outside the stock exchange and US consulate on Wednesday 5 October. The protest, organized by Socialist Action, was to show solidarity with the ‘Occupy Wall Street’ movement, which has swept the US and generated enormous sympathy and interest in Asia.
Also in Taiwan, CWI supporters are taking part in the planning of an ‘Occupy Taipei’ protest next week.

The Hong Kong protest was joined by legislator ‘Long Hair’ Leung Kwok-hung and several supporters of the League of Social Democrats.

“As the protesters in Wall Street have said, the 1% created this crisis of capitalism, but we, the 99% are forced to pay for it,” said Sally Tang Mei-ching of Socialist Action.

“Hong Kong and Wall Street are very similar,” she said. “The government only serves the rich and their policies are a disaster for working class people”.

Carrying placards inspired by the US protest movement, such as ‘Tax the Rich’ and ‘Bail out the people, not the banks’, the demonstration marched to the US consulate to leave a protest letter about the aggressive police action against US demonstrators.
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