Model resolution
We reported on Monday about a violent assault by Spanish Consul General, Santiago Martínez-Caro, in Hong Kong, on a peaceful demonstration of solidarity by CWI members, in support of the general strike of Spanish students on 26 October.
The Spanish Students’ Union (Sindicato de Estudiantes) – which has organised the strike – has initiated a campaign to demand action is taken against the Consul General, which the CWI supports. They have drafted a model resolution which should be used internationally in order to pile on the pressure for a response from the Spanish government.
See the resolution below, and please take action.
For the immediate resignation of Santiago Martínez-Caro
FAO the Spanish consulate in Hong Kong [email protected]
FAO of the Spanish exterior ministry
[email protected]
Please send copies to the Spanish Student Union
[email protected] and to the CWI [email protected]
We, who sign below, wish to demonstrate our deep indignation at what occurred on 24 October in the Spanish consulate in Hong Kong. A group of students which were peacefully showing their solidarity with the student strike on 26 October in Spain, were violently assaulted by the Spanish Consul General, Santiago Martínez-Caro. One protestor even had to go to hospital.
This voilent behaviour is completely unacceptable and is in direct contradiction with the freedom of expression and right to peaceful protest.
We want to pass on all our support and solidarity to the assaulted students who were only defending the basic right to education, and we thank them for their efforts in organising international solidarity with our strike.
We demand the immediate dismissal of the Consul General for his violent actions and demand that the Spanish Exterior Ministry assumes its responsibility for this shameful behaviour.
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