Book your tickets to Socialism 2021 (England & Wales and Germany)


  England & Wales Germany
Date 19, 20, 21 November 2021 27, 28 November 2021
Tickets and info
Hosted by Socialist Party Sozialistische Organisation Solidaritaet


This will be the biggest in-person socialist event this year. Reserve your place now.

There will be options to attend in person and online via zoom.

Even surveys by the defenders of capitalism keep finding growing interest in a socialist alternative. A new Fox News poll in the US found 59% of Democrats had a positive view of socialism, up 19% from February 2020.

No wonder.

As the horror of the Afghanistan disaster and the climate catastrophe compete to expose the failings of capitalist leaders, bigger numbers of people want an alternative.

Bosses are looking for ways to recoup the cost of the last year off the backs of workers. This is capitalism in 2021, and why you need Socialism 2021!

But how can these movements win? What programme is needed? What are the lessons of past working class and youth struggles? What does Marxist theory have to offer for changing the world today? How does the fightback in the workplaces, campuses and communities connect to what happens in elections? This will all be part of the discussion at Socialism 2021 – and more.

There will also be separate workshops on Zoom for those who can’t travel, and to involve our sisters and brothers from the Committee for a Workers’ International (CWI), the world socialist organisation to which the Socialist Party and Sozialistische Organisation Solidaritaet is affiliated.

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September 2021