The apocalyptic floods which have devastated Pakistan, especially Baluchistan and Sindh, have displaced over 33 million people. Now disease, malaria, dysentery, and skin and eye infections from water-born diseases are becoming rife.
Corrupt government and rotten feudalism and capitalism have completely failed to offer significant support for medical and food supplies or housing. Independent organisations from the communities and workers’ have taken emergency action to offer some help and assistance to the masses.
The Sindh Workers’ Alliance has established centres to provide medical assistance and food to some of the workers and poor affected. They are appealing for help from the workers’ movement internationally.
Below we publish their appeal and photos of one of the centres they have established. Donations should be made on the ‘Donate’ button on this site and marked ‘Sindh Workers’ Alliance’ appeal.
Pakistan flooding disaster – Urgent appeal from the Sindh Workers’ Alliance