At the end of July, the CWI’s five-day European summer school took place in Berlin with over 140 comrades from England & Wales, Ireland, Scotland, the US, France, Austria and Germany. Over five days, political discussions on the CWI’s analysis and perspectives were held in plenary sessions and workshops. The School also marked the CWI’s fiftieth anniversary, celebrated in April of this year.
In the opening plenary, the Secretary of the CWI, Tony Saunois, spoke about “The death agony of capitalism and the prospects for socialism”. In the five decades since the CWI was founded, we have been involved in wide-ranging disputes and struggles, such as hundreds of strikes in various countries, the anti-poll tax movement and the struggle of the socialist Liverpool City Council. But in the 50 years since the founding of CWI, the world situation has changed a lot. Instability and crises are currently on the rise and there is massive polarisation. Growing global debt, an increase in geopolitical conflicts, election victories by right-wing and populist forces in some countries, but also repeated mass protests such as those recently seen in Kenya, Nigeria and Bangladesh. Inequality between rich and poor has never been greater and this leads to potential explosions of class struggle. As Tony emphasised, we must prepare ourselves for new tasks and challenges in the new era of capitalism. So “old certainties are no longer safe and what was impossible is becoming possible” – and the possibility of strengthening support for socialism is also growing! In recent months and years we have seen increasing strikes and mass movements in various countries, but these are just the beginning and we must prepare for and push for an intensification of struggles!
Finally, the changes and increasing crises in this new era of capitalism also offer opportunities to build our revolutionary Marxist organisation and rebuild the broad workers’ movement in general. But to do this, we must “not look at the new world situation through an old prism, but must apply the Marxist method to the new situation in order to have the right analysis”. However, it is also clear that we cannot draw up perspectives without taking the international situation into account, which is why the exchange with comrades from different sections was very enriching.
The discussion included many contributions on the current situations in Kenya, Latin America, the US, South Africa, China, South East Asia, Nigeria, Turkey, France, Israel and Palestine and the resulting world perspectives. Hannah Sell, General Secretary of the Socialist Party England & Wales (the CWI in England & Wales), summarised the discussion and emphasised, among other things, that a new global economic crisis can be triggered by various factors. She also summarised that the strikes of recent years show how great the political vacuum on the left and the potential for mass workers’ parties is worldwide. One of our tasks is to accelerate these processes and to build the CWI internationally wherever possible.
But of course we need theoretical and historical knowledge and the weapon of a Marxist analysis and a correct programme – which is why we discussed a range of theoretical, current, international and historical topics in numerous workshops over several days. For example, the consequences of a possible Trump election victory, the current situation in China, Latin America and Africa were discussed. One workshop took a closer look at the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine, others for example at the theory of permanent revolution, the current character of the working class, fascism, liberation and self-determination for LGBTIQ+ people, the 1974 Revolution in Portugal, socialist solutions to climate change, Marxism and trade unions, the situation of women and the state of women’s movements as well as left-wing populism.
In a second plenary discussion, the war on Gaza and a socialist programme for self-determination and peace in the Middle East were discussed at length. Judy Beishon from the CWI International Secretariat (IS) introduced this discussion and explained the programme for workers’ unity and socialism that distinguishes the CWI from other left forces on this issue. The discussion deepened these programmatic questions, but also brought up personal experiences from the Palestine solidarity movement and addressed the situation in other countries in the region, such as Egypt, before Robert Bechert, from the IS, replied to the discussion.
In a third plenary discussion, Sascha Staničić, national spokesperson for Sol (the CWI in Germany), introduced the political situation and class struggles in Europe. He emphasised the enormous polarisation, which includes a strengthening of right-wing populist forces in many countries, but also of left-wing forces and an increase in strikes and protest movements. The latest developments in the UK and France also played a role in the discussion, as did current developments in Germany and other countries. Niall Mulholland replied to the discussion for the IS.
The last day of the school finally focussed on the development of our sections and the CWI worldwide. TU Senan from the IS introduced the topic and the wide range of activities of the CWI sections became clear in the discussion. Albert Kropf from Austria reported that the CWI group there was able to win back several members who had joined the ISA (International Socialist Alternative) when the CWI split in 2019 and that the comrades now have ambitious plans to publish a new newspaper and hold a Socialism Day in the autumn. Comrades from the USA, Germany and other sections were also able to report on important progress in the organisation, before Sean Figg from the IS closed the session.
In addition to the regular programme, the training also allowed us to meet comrades from other sections and countries, discuss a lot and exchange ideas about practical work, for example in the youth or trade union sector. The CWI Summer school always vividly demonstrates the importance of a Marxist International through direct personal contact with comrades. The summer school ended with additional strength and political clarity about the character of our time, about the coming challenges and crises of the system. It left the participants motivated to continue defending the programme and methods of the CWI in their areas and sections and to build our organisation.
This was also reflected in the very successful fundraising. The appeal was actually only supposed to start at this summer school – but over €24,000 of the target of €25,000 has already been raised – money that is urgently needed to build up the CWI.
If you would also like to donate, you can do so here. If you also want to get organised, get in touch with us and join us – for a better world without crises, capitalism and misery!
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