Argentina: Police raid national offices of Workers Party (PO) in Buenos Aires

The Argentine government of Melei in Argentina is carrying out brutal attacks against the working class. Hundreds of thousands have lost their jobs and poverty has dramatically increased since the government came to power a few months ago. The government is also introducing brutally repressive legislation. The latest attack was a police raid on the national offices of the Workers Party (PO) in Buenos Aires, on 3rd June 2024. The PO is party aligned to Trotskyism and a member of the broad front FIT (Frente de Izquierda y de los Trabajadores – The Workers’ Left Front) . The CWI sent this message of solidarity to the PO to use at its press conference.

The Committee for a Workers’ International unreservedly condemns the brutal attack on democratic right by the regime in Argentina in the police raid on the national headquarters of the Workers’ Party (PO). This assault is clearly part of a rising tide of political persecution against those opposing the anti-workers, pro-austerity agenda of the new government.

The PO has been at the forefront of many protests by workers, women, the piquetero movement, students and others and is now being persecuted along with others for this.

The Committee for a Workers International expresses its solidarity with the PO and others fighting against repression and the attacks of the government against the working people and all oppressed in Argentina.

In solidarity,

Committee for a Workers International

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June 2024