Iraq: Day X – Republic of Ireland

A protest organised by various anti war groups including the Irish Anti War movement was held outside the Dail (Irish parliament) where a debate over the continued use of Shannon airport for US war aircraft to land and re-fuel was taking place. In the end, the government carried the debate by 77 votes to 60 and have disgracefully allowed the US to continue to use the airport. This implicates them and so-called ’neutral’ southern Ireland in the war.


Day X. Ireland.

Angry protests at parliament and US/British embassies

There were about 500 people on the protest, including a number of school students. Many schools, universities and workplaces observed the 10-minute stoppage at 12 noon, called by the Irish Anti War Movement.

There was an angry protest outside the American embassy at 6pm that was attended by 3,500 people. It was smaller than recent protests but the mood was very determined and extremely angry. Joe Higgins TD for the Socialist Party was one of the main speakers at the rally and received a very good response. The protest then marched to the British embassy where a ’die in’ was staged under mock air raid sirens.

Regional demonstrations are planed in cities throughout Ireland this coming Saturday.

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March 2003