Release the detainees! Solidarity messages needed
Members of Socialismo Revolucionario (CWI in Spain) participating in a march organised by the SAT union in Malaga, Andalucia have reported on significant police repression there which requires urgent national international solidarity action from working class, trade union and left activists.
As part of the SAT (Andalucia workers’ Union) union’s “marcha obrera”, which weeks ago set off the length and breadth of the Andalucia region, thousands of demonstrators rallied in Malaga today, with some activists symbolically occupying a Banesto bank, as part of the day’s protests. Police responded with heavy-handed repression, arresting 12 of the protest leaders, 4 of whom are being held indefinitely, including prominent SAT leader, Diego Canamero.
The SAT and its leaders, Canamero and Sanchez Gordillo have swept to national and international fame following their organisation of “expropriations” of supermarkets in Andalucia, to distribute basic foodstuffs among the thousands of rural and urban poor, in this region devastated by the crisis with an unemployment rate of over 30%. Gordillo also leads growing opposition among the United Left (IU) rank-and-file to the party’s participation in the Adnalucia government coalition. Socialismo Revolucionario (CWI in Spain) stands in profound political solidarity with the actions of the SAT demonstrators and calls for international support.
Phonecalls should be made directly to Malaga central police station on 0034952046200 demanding the release of detained activists with no charges placed.
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