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Three days before the congress of the United Socialist Party (CWI, Sri Lanka) was convened in Colombo, a suicide bomb attack in the city targeted the minister of defence – the brother of the president, [...]
Calderon government accused of state terrorism against the peoples of Oaxaca Liked this article? We need your support to improve our work. Please become a Patron! and support our work
En las últimas semanas, la oposición derechista hacia el presidente boliviano de centro-izquierda Evo morales ha subido dramáticamente al culminarse los conflictos que se estaban fraguando recientemente. Liked this article? We need your support to [...]
El lunes, 27 de noviembre, varios cientos de manifestantes rodearon la entrada del edificio municipal en Cochabamba en lo que se transformó en un duro enfrentamiento con matones derechistas y la policía de Cochabamba. Liked [...]
Cypriot ministers promise to find solution for the 117 Kurdish refugees that faced life- threatening deportation to Syria. Liked this article? We need your support to improve our work. Please become a Patron! and support [...]
Building the CWI
Hundreds of working-class activists, trade unionists and students poured into the workshops and rallies of Socialism 2024, held in central London, on 9-10 November to discuss how a fighting socialist opposition to Labour leader and [...]
CWI Summer School Success
At the end of July, the CWI’s five-day European summer school took place in Berlin with over 140 comrades from England & Wales, Ireland, Scotland, the US, France, Austria and Germany. Over five days, political [...]