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‘Unione’ government plans pension ‘reforms’ and job ‘deregulation’ Liked this article? We need your support to improve our work. Please become a Patron! and support our work
Hoy martes 26-09-06 hora 9:30 a.m. se concentro en la plaza del Banco Central Frente al Ministerio de Educación una manifestación de aproximadamente 60 trabajadores(as) convocados por el Sindicato SIRTRASASLUD Dtto. Capital, con el fin [...]
Tumultuous twins sack Deputy Prime Minister Andrzej Lepper Liked this article? We need your support to improve our work. Please become a Patron! and support our work
A campaigner’s report Liked this article? We need your support to improve our work. Please become a Patron! and support our work
US imperialism certainly expects ‘regime change’, not just in the government of Cuba but also in its social system. Liked this article? We need your support to improve our work. Please become a Patron! and [...]