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Today, March 24, in Hamburg, Germany, 50,000 school students, apprentices and other students supported a local strike call made by Youth against War (Jugend gegen Krieg, JgW). Liked this article? We need your support to [...]
On the evening of Day X, school students in Newcastle upon Tyne organised a sit down protest in the road. The police announced that, if the school students did not move in two minutes, they [...]
The Day X demonstration was big for Prague, but the second day of the war saw as many, if not more, out on the streets demonstrating. All the main political parties were there and all [...]
Despite driving rain over 15,000 youth took to the streets on Friday 21 March, in Sao Paulo, to protest against the start of the war against Iraq. Thousands more have taken to the streets in [...]
The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) called a demonstration in Brussels on 21 March. The demo, backed by the three main Belgian trade unions, was meant to be a protest against the GATS agreements in [...]
Building the CWI
Hundreds of working-class activists, trade unionists and students poured into the workshops and rallies of Socialism 2024, held in central London, on 9-10 November to discuss how a fighting socialist opposition to Labour leader and [...]
CWI Summer School Success
At the end of July, the CWI’s five-day European summer school took place in Berlin with over 140 comrades from England & Wales, Ireland, Scotland, the US, France, Austria and Germany. Over five days, political [...]