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Approximately 20,000 people lined the streets of Sydney just 3 hours after war was officially declared on Thursday (March 20), demanding Australian troops be withdrawn immediately and Liberal Prime Minister Howard end his slavish support [...]
Socialist Party member, Steve Bush, describes a spontaneous school strike against war that took place yesterday in the town of Tiverton in Devon, England. Liked this article? We need your support to improve our work. [...]
The CWI in Brazil, Socialismo Revolucionario (SR), held a very successful public meeting earlier this week on the war on Iraq at the University USP, in San Carlos, in the State of Sao Paulo. Over [...]
La cuenta regresiva para lanzar la guerra de Bush y Blair contra Irak ha comenzado. Dentro de pocos días un asalto asesino caerá sobre el pueblo Iraquí. Armas como la devastadora "Daisy cutter bombs", municiones [...]
The mass movements against war and the power struggles between and within the different ruling classes over the last few months have produced one unprecedented event after another. Liked this article? We need your support [...]
Building the CWI
Hundreds of working-class activists, trade unionists and students poured into the workshops and rallies of Socialism 2024, held in central London, on 9-10 November to discuss how a fighting socialist opposition to Labour leader and [...]
CWI Summer School Success
At the end of July, the CWI’s five-day European summer school took place in Berlin with over 140 comrades from England & Wales, Ireland, Scotland, the US, France, Austria and Germany. Over five days, political [...]