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Health and postal workers in Northern Ireland were forced to take industrial action last week in protest against sectarian death threats from republican and loyalist paramilitaries. Liked this article? We need your support to improve [...]
Farewell OAU. Welcome the AU! With enormous fanfair, pomp and pageantry, the African Union (AU), the new continental body being established by African states, was launched in Durban, South Africa, on 15th July, 2002. The [...]
A new, positive development in the struggle for a genuine multi-party democracy in the country took place on Friday, 26th July, 2002, when the Court of Appeal, sitting in Abuja, declared as unconstitutional, illegal, null [...]
US PRESIDENT George Bush has rewarded his right-wing, anti-abortion Christian fundamentalist backers by blocking $34 million family planning aid to the United Nations Population Fund. Liked this article? We need your support to improve our [...]
IT IS scandal time again in US capitalism as the Worldcom accounting fraud follows hot on the heel of the Enron collapse. Xerox also find their accountants can’t actually count. Liked this article? We need [...]
Building the CWI
Hundreds of working-class activists, trade unionists and students poured into the workshops and rallies of Socialism 2024, held in central London, on 9-10 November to discuss how a fighting socialist opposition to Labour leader and [...]
CWI Summer School Success
At the end of July, the CWI’s five-day European summer school took place in Berlin with over 140 comrades from England & Wales, Ireland, Scotland, the US, France, Austria and Germany. Over five days, political [...]